Tuesday 12 May 2015

3 Awesome Spring Ideas Perfect for Single Ladies

So here comes spring and oh what joy it brings. School is about to end and summer is just around the corner waiting for its turn to shine upon us.

So worrying about your single status is a major faux pas this spring. Why sulk and stay indoors when you can do amazing things such as...

1. Party to your heart's content

Although Coachella has just ended ,  there are more music festivals to look forward to. After all, spring is the time for music festivals.

2. Practice some moves

Queen B's music videos has some serious dance choreography. So learning some dance steps is a fun way to lose those excess weight and get  a toned bod ready for summer.

3. Go on (multiple) blind dates

There's nothing wrong in staying in and binge watching all your favorite TV series, especially when there  are a lot of hot guys on TV to drool over. But letting your dear friends set you up on blind dates is a new adventure that's better than TV show marathons.

The best part is you create your own drama that makes life interesting.

Bottom-right: Sweetheart Cutout Bodycon

See? Being single this season is not that bad. Sulking around the corner and being bitter of your status won't let you enjoy the season. So which tips will you do or tell a friend? 


  1. Yeah!!! I'll be dancing all night!

  2. Single Ladies :D

  3. great tips for the single ladies...and it is always a good time to learn some dance moves:)


    1. Being single is about having a lot of time to do some groovin'. :)


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